Hey, I'm nthpyrodev

You can view my main website at nthpyro.dev

About me

Officially, I'm a fullstack web developer.

I am a Linux admin, privacy enthusiast, ethical hacker, free speech advocate.

I believe strongly in free speech. No one on this earth can be the judge of if something shouldn't be said, which is why everyone should have the right, and ability to speak their mind.

Contact Me

Matrix: @nthpyrodev:nthpyro.dev Backup: @nthpyrodev:matrix.org



Jabber/XMPP: nthpyrodev@jabber.fr

Telegram: @nthpyrodev

Discord: nthpyrodev

My PGP key

If I take my time replying on a particular platform, just tell me to check on the specific platform using my email, or Telegram. Please do not send any messages with sensitive info on Discord, Telegram, Email, or Session without PGP encrypting it. Also don't forget to use OMEMO on Jabber.